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Whispers Through the Black Veil


Check this out, a brand new song on a brand new compilation:

Hank Ray: (They Call Me) Lucifer Sideburns on Whispers Through the Black Veil

Veteran underground artist Dennis Dread (Darkthrone, Dead Moon, The Lucifer Rising Suite Anthology, etc.) recently announced his own carefully curated micro-label WYRD WAR and this debut release has already exceeded all expectations. Whispers Through the Black Veil is a strange and beautiful relic that explores the esoteric roots of Halloween and the thinning of the veils between the living and the dead that is said to occur during the “dark half” of the year.



Music from Enchanted Forest: Haunted House Theme (1:15)

Hank Ray: (They Call Me) Lucifer Sideburns (3:29)

Vampire: Pyre of the Harvest Queen (5:28)

Midnight: The Witch (3:03)

Bobby BeauSoleil: The Wailing On Witch Mountain (4:02)

Thrones: Worn Thin (3:42)


Estasy: Il Dio E' Nato (4:17)

Lebenden Toten: At the Window (4:09)

Violation Wound: I'm the Wolfman (1:30)

Blizaro: Science of Darkness (3:57)

Alan Howarth: Kill a Whole Family (3:40)

Rob Coffinshaker: Whispers Through the Black Veil (3:22)

 Whispers Cover

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